Saturday, 2 November 2013


Firstly, i apologise i haven't blogged in a while. I've not been feeling great and I've been having few down days, which i'm not ashamed to admit... Secondly, thank you to every single person that keeps reading my blog, sharing on facebook, RT'ing on twitter etc! I can't thank you enough, i started blogging to get my feelings out and i'm so grateful for the response i have! Keep sharing, RT'ing etc. If i can help 1 person, I've made a difference! -Thank you!


Ok so how do you exactly explain anxiety? Not an easy question really, so here it goes...
Anxiety, hard to explain really when your not a medical profession to give details, stats and all that rubbish... even still then doctors don't really help...
So I'm what.. 1 in many, many people who suffer with anxiety. This for a first wasn't caused because of my M.E well I don't think it was anyway.
It started about 4-5 years ago I think it was. I was asleep, peacefully i'd say, although when I get to sleep I do tend to dream a lot, can be very random! Although this dream I THOUGHT I was having wasn't exactly a dream when I woke up...
In our old house we had 4 bedrooms upstairs, but because of my M.E at that time I was actually bed bound, couldn't walk, had no feeling in my legs nothing really. So I had a room downstairs that mum and dad turned into a bedroom for me as I obviously wasn't able to get upstairs.
It was a room on the front of the house, had a street lamp outside... you'd of thought it would of kept me awake but funny enough it didn't. My bed was at the back of the room facing the window, with a small TV in the corner.
Anyway this 1 night in July was about 3:50AM, early morning on a Saturday. I was sound asleep as was the rest of the house. I was having this dream, well I thought it was a dream where I had 2 shadows outside my window. One was wearing some sort of cap, the other had a shaved head from what I gathered. They had a crow bar in their hands, wearing gloves from what I could tell from the shadow... they were actually trying to get into my room, so they was trying to break into the house... Of course I opened my eyes after that I thought to myself "what a weird dream!" I thought it was strange i woke up on my back as i normally sleep on my front or back, i tilted my head about 10cm forward if that... Yeah it wasn't actually a dream it was actually happening, two men were actually trying to break in! I froze for a few seconds, my heart i thought was actually going to come out my chest, i thought "oh my god, they are gonna get in" I could see this crow bar being pulled with quite a bit of force then there partner in crime was trying with a screw driver, they kept trying and trying, not giving up! After i got my head around the situation, thinking they were going to get in and the thought they were gonna hurt me and i hadn't got the energy to fight them back if they got in, i actually slowly reached for my phone which was on my bed side table. I didn't want to move much in case they could see my reflection. I made a phone call to my mum, i remember it ringing... and when mum picked up she said "is everything ok?" i replied saying in a shivery voice "mom, there's someone trying to break into my room!" I remember whispering that in case they could hear me and mum saying "WHAT!" an rushed downstairs with dad, at this point the two men had gone. Next i remember dad with a baseball bat then running back upstairs to look out their window to see where they was, they was trying to get into the house up the corner and i remember dad shouting "I can see the little b*******!" Mum was giving me a hug at this point... then she had to block the front door as my dad wanted to find the men who were trying to break in! I remember mum and dad being down within seconds and in that space she had rang the police. It took the police exactly 3 minutes to get to ours, we had a police car, riot van and a helicopter out. They got my dad in the van because they thought if my dad had caught the two men before them that dad would of killed them. So the police kept my dad in the van, dad gave the statement on my behalf as i felt really shaky... If that's even the word to describe it! I then remember mum helping me into my wheelchair an she rolled me to the front door and there was a neighbour being nosy or being concerned, i don't know but she was confused what was happening.
Anyway the two men got away with it when they did eventually get caught by the police as apparently they were 'out clubbing and needed a pee' funny enough it was an estate... not on a main road! There was evidence on my window that there was a screw driver and crow bar that had been used, but because they had wore gloves there was no finger prints and the police couldn't do anything.
Ever since that incident i have suffered quite bad with anxiety... I only have to hear a noise at night and i'm scared! Luckily enough we moved out that house with 1 of the reasons being i just couldn't be in that house anymore along with other reasons.
I keep thinking to myself that i have my anxiety under control... but i actually don't!
It was a few months back now, i had Lawson posters in my room. One night i remember waking up and could hear a noise and actually thought it was happening again, i could hear noises and started to have a panic attack... although thankfully it wasn't actually that, it was my Lawson poster falling off my wall slowly. It took me a while to calm down.
Ever since all that happened i seem to have an anxiety with people. If i go out and there is loads of people around me i panic, can feel my heart beating really fast, breathing goes funny and then i have to say to my mum can we get out of here. I feel uncomfortable meeting new people, people sometimes coming to the house. I just feel anxious and wary.
I seem to get anxious a lot when there's a situation i can't control. All this going on with my dad, him being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a few months back made me feel anxious. It was a situation i couldn't make better or get under control for him. Seeing the people i love and care about suffer makes me really anxious and panic as i need them!
I was meant to be having a party for my 21st birthday party but yet again my anxiety came into it. All those people around me, feeling suffocated and no where to go, all the stress of feeling no one's gonna turn up... i thought to myself i don't need this stress along with everything else, so me and mum came to the right decision to cancel.
I have good and bad days with my anxiety, along with millions of people who suffer with it!
With some cases of anxiety you can't even manage to leave the house, the thought is that frightening! 
Yeah sure you can get help and medication for anxiety but should we really just keep sweeping anxiety under the carpet?!
I am not ashamed to say i suffer with depression and anxiety and yes that might come under mental health the word i hate 'mental' but i am no way ashamed!
I used to be years ago as i felt i was 'weird' but i embrace it now, why should we be ashamed?
There are many reasons why people suffer with anxiety and depression.
For example i'm sure my mum won't mind me mentioning she suffers from both because of her bad childhood which has made her suffer.
I am lucky i have a very amazing support system but it makes me sad to think of the people who don't have that support from family or friends... Someone to listen and understand!
I want more done to help people, not just to be swept under the carpet with appointment after appointment...
I understand some people can get bit better if they are on medication or see a councillor BUT there will always be that trigger point that could bring it back, not as bad but it'll always be there!
To the people who can get over it, i applaud you and how strong minded you are but to those who cant.. KEEP FIGHTING!
M.E, anxiety and depression is a battle i won't loose against!
Kate XO.

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